Meals and snacks to effectively manage arthritis pain

Arthritis is the inflammation of the joints and it is something that is super common as we age. Many people turn to drugs to manage arthritis pain, however, there is so much we can do with our daily meals and snacks to effectively manage arthritis pain!

During my segment on CH Morning Live that aired on September 30, 2019, I share yummy meals and snacks to effectively manage arthritis pain.

Watch the segment here.


DeepMarine Collagen

When our joints are working normally we can enjoy an active lifestyle without restrictions. But with wear and tear, or the onset of osteoarthritis, our joints begin to break down – the cartilage thins and deteriorates, bones rub against each other, and joints become inflamed and painful. The onset of joint pain causes us to limit our activity and change the way we live our lives. DeepMarine Collagen can help with this!

I love DeepMarine because it produces a 100% made-in-Canada collagen. “Made-in-Canada” assures that the collagen is made from the highest quality of raw materials and that production meets the world’s strictest health and safety standards.  They are environmentally focused and are always thinking about sustainability.


Meals and snacks to effectively manage arthritis pain

Trendy Golden Latte (aka turmeric latte)

Turmeric is a bright orange root that has peppery, warm and bitter flavours. It is best known for its extraordinary anti-inflammatory properties and has been used in Chinese and Indian medicine for centuries. The bright yellow/orange pigment of turmeric called curcumin has been shown to be comparable to potent drugs such as hydrocortisone and over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs. It is effective in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis due to its antioxidant concentrations and anti-inflammatory properties.

I also added a convenient single-serving of DeepMarine Collagen to this latte. DeepMarine’s Collagen relieves pain and increases joint mobility by reducing inflammation and stimulating the collagen-producing cells located in cartilage. This new collagen makes the cartilage stronger and more durable.

The single-serving packets are a convenient way to add collagen to your hot drinks on the go. You can stir it into the latte or coffee you order at your favourite coffee shop. The best part is that the sachets are 100% compostable.

Chaga Golden Latte by @jesselwellness #chaga

Hot Chocolate Energy Balls

Chocolate is packed with antioxidants that battle inflammations. I also added chia seeds and walnuts which are high in Omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3s are great for reducing inflammation and the pain associated with it.

For this recipe, I use DeepMarine Hot Chocolate Collagen for an added anti-inflammatory boost. It has a strong anti-inflammatory property to reduce inflammation in joints and improve smooth functioning.


Curry Squash Soup

This is a warming meal that is packed with anti-inflammatory ingredients like garlic and curry (which contains turmeric). I didn’t add collagen to this recipe but you totally could! It is practically flavourless so you wouldn’t be able to taste it.  

Get the recipe here.

Curry Kabocha Squash Soup by @jesselwellness #healthysoup #suqash

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