I’m pregnant, wahoo!

I’m so excited to finally be able to share my exciting news with you, I’m pregnant!!! Watch my segment on Breakfast Television to find out if I’m having a boy or girl!I’m due in September, my husband and I are thrilled. You may have noticed that I didn’t post many food photos on Instagram Stories from January to March. I had really bad food aversions. I was pretty much living off of smoothies, hummus and veggies, and junk food like pizza, dim sum and french fries. Read more about my first trimester. Breakfast Television - Healthy Mother's Day Brunch with @jesselwellness #healthybrunch #mothersdayThere are a lot of supplements and superfoods it is best to avoid when you are pregnant and not very much information out there of what they are. Since I have been doing lots of research, I decided to put it all together in my book Healthy Holistic Pregnancy.

Get a sneak peek and learn how to prevent and decrease stretch marks, heartburn, and nausea in my FREE eBook Natural Remedies for Pregnancy Symptoms.

Supplements I have been enjoying

Digestive enzymes from GoodnessMeDigest™ Pregnancy

As you know I have digestive issues and I really like to take enzymes. There are a lot of digestive enzymes that are actually not safe to take when you are pregnant.

I was so sooo excited when Goodness Me sent me these digestive enzymes especially designed for pregnancy.

I don’t take these with every meal, just the more complex meals with lots of protein.

Raw Prenatal from Garden of Life

Taking a good quality prenatal vitamin is really important to do 3 months before you plan to get pregnant and during your pregnancy.

I like Garden of Life’s raw prenatal because it is raw which means no high heat, synthetic binders, fillers, artificial flavours, sweeteners, colours or additives commonly used in tablets.

I take one with every meal.

Let There be Peace Essential Oils from GoodnessMe

There is a lot of controversy around essential oils and pregnancy because they can pass through to the baby through the placenta. I have asked my friend Andrea Ashley to cover this in detail in my book. I generally avoided essential oils during the first trimester. Now that I’m in the second trimester I have started to use them again. I love diffusing the Let There Be Peace & Quiet blends from GoodnessMe to help me relax.

I'm pregnant - @jesselwellness #pregnancy #healthypregnancy

My goal is to provide you with the information you need to make an informed choice about the holistic practices you choose to apply during your pregnancy.

My book Healthy Holistic Pregnancy is for you if:

    • You want to make an informed choice about the holistic practices you choose to apply during your pregnancy
    • You are looking for straightforward and easy to understand information
    • You want to make healthy and holistic choices for yourself and your baby
    • Good nutrition is important to you and you want to know what foods are the best to eat while pregnant
    • You are wondering if the supplements you are taking are safe to take during pregnancy
    • You are experiencing pregnancy symptoms but don’t want to turn to medication or expensive wellness treatments
    • You love boosting your diet with awesome superfoods but are worried that some are unsafe when pregnant
    • You are an essential oil junky but don’t want to accidentally use an oil that will harm your growing baby
    • You practice yoga and are wondering how to modify your practice now that you are pregnant.
  • If you are ready to take a natural and holistic approach to your pregnancy nutrition, buy Healthy Holistic Pregnancy here.

Healthy Holistic Pregnancy by @jesselwellness #healthypregnancy #happypregnancy

Today’s post is in partnershipw ith GoodnessMe!. Opinions are always my own and I only review companies and brands that I truly believe in and love. If you are interested in sharing your product on JesseLaneWellness.com, please email info@jesselanewellness.com.

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